At this time the CABR proponents have developed a rail service serving seven stops – YYC, Downtown Calgary, Calgary West, Cochrane, Stoney Nakoda Nations, Canmore and Banff. To date, ridership studies were prepared based on the previously referenced stops/stations.
The Design Phase of the CABR project will examine all stop/station locations and will consider additional or alternative locations and the feasibility to service those local markets. Friends of CABR’s objective is to inform residents of the Bow Valley Corridor of the CABR project and its merits. We also want to activate supporters of the CABR project to ensure the Government of Alberta proceeds with the Design Phase before making a final investment decision on proceeding with the CABR project.
We expect that additional stops/stations will be considered in and around the Airport (YYC) as well as in Downtown Calgary. As a result, a more robust review of station locations and the costs to service those locations will be conducted in the Design Phase.